Monday, April 4, 2011

Since I Know You've Missed Me.....

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So I've been on hiatus. Sue me. But, I'm back, with new post ideas, and PLENTY of new experiences to share. I'm not one who feels the need to explain myself and/or my actions (or, lack there of) to the general public, but because I care about you guys, and you entertain my foolishness, in a nutshell, here's why I was M.I.A.

I had two main reasons.... 1) I wasn't compelled to write. When there doesn't seem to be anyone reading, what's the point in writing? It's like talking to yourself.... why say it "out loud" when you can already hear it in your head (for us sane people, that is.... lol)? I wasn't in a rush to get my thoughts out and available for anyone to see, because I don't think anyone is really all that interested (*clears throat* this is where you all rush to reassure me that I am wrong, and that you do indeed care. go ahead. I'll wait.....) 2) I felt like I was running out of things to say (sidenote: what I REALLY mean here, is "things that I want to share, that aren't completely inappropriate to let the world know about lol). So, I took up a lot of note writing. If something came to mind, I wrote it down. If I liked something, I wrote it down. If I felt something, I wrote it down. So, it's safe to say I'll have plenty to blog about for a while.

So there you have it. Now, I'm just going to jump right ahead into it. Next blog, on it's way. I'm back. :)

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