Friday, September 17, 2010

A new approach

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So. My bday has come n gone. One important thing I didn't blog about was the AMAZING bday party I threw myself. I've never planned a bday party let alone a feature event. I had it at the strip club that I ONLY bartend at lol( I do not, have not, nor will I eeeever strip. For the record). I booked entertainment, had it catered, handled all promotion, decorations, everything. I funded it all on my own also. Very. Veery proud of myself. I had considered starting an event planning business in the past but like this blog, it was a great idea I didn't really put my heart into. After the success of my party, I'm beginning to really think I might find success in the business. I guess I'll wait for someone I know to have to throw some kind of celebration n convince them to let me plan it. No charge of course. Pause I forgot one of the girls specifically asked me to help her w her bday party in January. Lol yeeesssss.

So besides the blurb about my bday party, I wanted to post that I'm going to continue with my blog, but with a new approach. I'm still very open to trying new things in an attempt to continue to grow personally, but not with the same countdown as before. Side bar: I think I'll also add a results post as to what I got out of my initial attempts. Back to the topic: Now, I'll be posting more for myself. Not gona lie, part of my lack of participation, was due to a lack of reader participation. I mean if no one was reading/commenting, what was the rush to post? I think that in turn gave any potential readers/commentors a reason NOT to read and/or comment. Clearly, I initially missed the part of my mission where I was to gain SELF knowledge. That shouldn't have had anything to do with outside participation in my blog. Go figure. Well. Lesson learned right? Lol. But in the intrest of variation and keeping it fun for me, I'm still interested in your opinions and suggestions. I'm open to finding new blogs mysel to read, new adventures to embark upon, and meeting new friends (corny but true). So here's to a fresh start on an old idea!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

so im back

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ok, lets not touch on the subject of my absence more than to say, yes, it's been a while. lol on to the updates

july 14,

tried green cactus tacos. safe to say, i don't like spending $11 on four effin tacos. taco bell it is

july 18th

this one is funny, my little bro and i tried one of my dogs treats lol
don't judge! they're specialty treats made by a small business. all natural ingredients. not gona say they were good, but damnit they weren't bad at all lol brandon started it though. it was his idea. after he didn't hurl, i decided y not? ive always wondered how they tasted lol

july 19th

today, i went to jani, a Japanese restaurant by my house. initially, i was gona order take out, cause who eats diner at a restaurant alone right? well, i sat down and ate alone. cant say i didn't have a great time. i got a lil adventurous and tried these eel rolls. not bad. don't know if i like them yet, but i ate the entire roll. def means they're some kind of edible in my book lol eel.... who woulda thunk?

july 21

today was amazing. great time. went to S.O.B.'s with a special guy. i love neo soul music. thats my thing. this night in particular one of my fave artis RES performed. check out her website links to her music are there, check her out. anywho, it was amazing. her, lydia ceasar, eric roberson (who has an amazing album btw), and a whole host of other artists all performed and were amazing. i'd never been to S.O.B.'s and must say i THOROUGHLY enjoyed myself. after the show, we went to a bar about three blocks up for a drink. new bar, new memories. good times. while lookin for the car on like 6th ave (in the village) (( i always loose my car when im w this guy in the city wtf lol)) i learned that tattoo parlors are still open and running at damn near 2am. i couldn't resist the temptation lol yeah, this really happened.******* i love my tatt. just wish i could see it lol odee tempted to get another one lol but thats another post 8;0)

august 5th

i tried black "espresso" flavored coffee. JACKPOT. i NEVER thought id drink, let alone enjoy black coffee. lets not get it twisted, there was sugar in there, lol just no milk. maybe one day ill try w/o sugar (
i also tried the caramel frappe my cousin and friend had been raving about during the week. AMAZING

whether u believe it or not, i have no memory of ever having a fast food burger (except for white castle that is). so on this day in question, i took the plunge and tried a what i think was a jr. bacon cheeseburger. whatever is on the dollar menu at wendys lol. it was pretty good. a dif taste, but not a bad one. my issue w fast food burgers is the bun really. lol something bout it, idk. homemade burgers, im all over them. the fast food ones, eeehh they were always suspect to me. but i took the plunge and sans the mayo kinda liked it. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

its been an even longer while....

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..... so, im gona jump right into it.

this was a small one. i tried blue cheese dressing on my chicken wrap. #fail. i'll continue to do without lol

today, i redeemed my "thank you" points from my bank. not sure if i want to consider this as a something new experience, but i indeed have never done this before lol. i diiiiid however have a more exciting experience! russian chocolate! AAAAMAZING!
so the squirrel on the wrapper kinda weirded me out, but there were nuts in it.... i.e. the squirrel i guess lol but it was good.

more Russian chocolate!!! this was even better than the last. now, the camel on the wrapper, not gona lie, questionable. wtf? a camel? don't know what that could represent. neither did the Russian guy that brought them into my job lol. but, they were good as heck.

another relatively small win..... tried the potato skins at applebee's lol #win

I baked a red velvet cake from scratch!!! PIYAAHH!! i think it turned out really well. and, according to the bday boy, it was great, so im not being partial lol

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

its been a while....

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.... but i've got a few new experiences to share!
so friday was my last post. that gives me FOUR days to catch you up on!! check me out.......

can't quite say the new thing i tried today. but it resulted in great convo lol
not everything is for yous guys to know! lol

let's begin with.... my food doesn't have a face. ever. lol for the first time, i tried food from Nagasaki, a west indian restaurant not too far from my house. we got jerk chicken and pork, rice and beans, wee bit of cabbage, and these babies

yeah. lol so, the guy ive been dating eats the whole freakin thing. eyes, feelers and all. then he'll just spit out the shell for the most part...... i want to gag at just the thought of this (again) but, i try not to yuck other peoples yummies. being that this "try something new" thing is a bit new in itself, i compromised with myself and decided to take baby steps. i started by picking one (the only one) without a freaking face. lol BIG step. next took off the shell which had the legs n crap all attatched (insert shiver here), cleaned it out a bit, and i was good to go.....

took a bite

didn't like it.
lol i'd NEVER seen shrimp w faces! who knew! i don't think i knew what an actual shrimp look like. so today was a double whammy. one. this, dana, is what an actual shrim looks like. two. i don't like them with the head attatched.... even if i unattatch the head lol

today was quite a lesson in disguise. didn't see it coming. started out with me about to paint my toe nails. simple task. the guy im dating asked me to give him a manicure.... kinda. all i did was cut and shape them really (about time too lol). anyway, for like the first three nails, im cutting as little as i can with each snip. im scared as all begezus that im gona cut too low and hurt him. the whole time im cutting and bout to break a sweat, this guy is fallin asleep. and it hit me. he has absolute faith in me. he's not worried about me hurting him. he trusted me. now, yeah, it sounds insignificant, and unimportant, but think about it. how often do people trust you with something that you yourself doubt yourself on? honestly, it didn't hit me until today. initially, it was just a new experience. doing a guys nails. cute. but i learned so much more from it. it turned out to be a life lesson -- i should trust myself more. im not gona screw up as many times as i think i will. sometimes it pays to just let go and listen to your instincts. they're right a lot of the time! who would have guessed, that cutting someone's nails turned into a learning experience where i was able to learn something about myself?
today's lesson: trust yourself, someone else trusts you.

i've had this cosmo mix in my liquor cabinet for who knows how long.

never cracked it open. don't know what gave me the push, but i went for it. they turned out GREAAATT!! lol today's experience wasn't anything spectacular. but i must say, i did enjoy it. not big on cosmos in general, but, i think ima a fan now lol

Friday, July 2, 2010

day one....

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hi guys. initially, todays experience was supposed to be waking up early and walking w the dogs. i never do a long walk in the am w them. im far from being a punctual person, and the last thing i have time for in the am is a long walk. so as i rolled out of the bed 20 mins before i was supposed to leave the house for work, i quickly scratched that off the list. lol i did however, complete something different today. i had two important convos, w two dif people. sounds uneventful, but in each situation, i said what needed to be said, even though i didn't quite want to. i stepped outside of my comfort zone today. TWICE! baby steps guys lol. and there's still time in the day for more!! i won't go into detail about who the people were or what was discussed, but im sure you'd be proud of me. 8:0)
day one, success.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

the longest journey begins with a single step.....

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i've come up with really great ideas, plenty of times in my life. grandiose and elaborate schemes to accomplish this or that. but, i generally never follow through. most of my ideas stay just that. ideas. for a while i've wanted to blog but could never come up with something that i would stick to. so finally, i think i've decided on something that should be RELATIVELY easy for me to stick to (lol).........

i like me. and im working on unconditionally, wholeheartedly, unequivocally, best-thing-ever loving me. in 37 days im going to be 25yrs old. for me its quite a milestone. growing up i always saw myself being midway into the dream of my job (soon to turn into an actual career), working someplace in NYC, and making easily 50k by 25. presently, i borderline hate my job, live in long island, and am def NOT making 50k lol.

at this point in my life, im ready to find out what really makes me happy. what makes me tick, and keeps me going. to accomplish this, im going to do something new everyday until my bday. this is quite impromptu, but i figure why the hell not. i'll be enlisting the help of my friends and any random blog readers for suggestions on things to do. im welcome to ANY suggestion, but def have more sense than to undertake them all lol. (i know my friends lol.)

i'd really appreciate if you guys could comment on my posts and suggest different things i can add to my list of things to do. id also appreciate if you guys could check in on my blog and see how im doing along the way. everything is easier with support. but most importantly, don't forget to leave some feedback!!
so -- sit back, relax, or hell; stand up and exert yourself lol. but hopefully we can enjoy this adventure together.
here's to self improvement, and self love.