Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Story of the Old Man Who Out Pilate'd Me

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Ok. To begin, I had an AWESOME day at the gym last night! All day I had psyched myself out about going to this yoga class at 6:30pm. I purchased my lil yoga mat last week, and told myself it'd be the start of something new. Yesterday seemed to FLY by, and 6:30pm was quickly approaching. The closer the end of my work day came, the greater my impending fear of this class grew! Go figure! I was so nervous!! What was I so afraid of? I've taken plenty of dance classes, been the new girl in the dance school a few times before, and was fine. What was the big deal with a yoga class at the gym?? As I began to question why in the world I would be afraid of this class it hit me. I was stepping out of my comfort zone. When I was taking these classes, and starting at new schools, I was in my best shape, like, ever, and dancing regularly. All I had to do show up and execute. Now, being that I haven't actually taken a class in QUITE some time, I knew I wasn't "in shape." Ok, I LOOK in shape, but for those of you who actually ARE in shape, you know that looking it and actually being it are two totally different things. So by 5:55pm, I was at my limit. I think I subconsciously found extra things to do at work, just so I wouldn't leave in time to make the class on time lol. I sabotaged myself!! Within those last two hours of my work day, I learned two lessons.

1) My fear of yoga class was not so much about the yoga (I've sat through a few meditations at home with a dvd I'd purchased before), but about not being good at it. If you don't know me personally, you don't know that I'm a brat. I HATE not getting my way. ABHORE it. As I've gotten older, I've of course learned to mask it when necessary. TRUST I know how to act. But, when I'm with friends and loved ones, you'll know when I'm not happy lol. I filter myself when I'm on the clock, but in "real life" I know how to "tell em why you mad D!" I was afraid that I would fail. That happens to be one of my biggest fears (and also, I've found, one of my biggest barries to success) in life. I just don't like getting it wrong. For the most part, if I feel like I will mess up, or something won't work out, I a.) don't bother doing it, b.) I'll put less effort into doing it, or c.) begin doing it and not finish. I've got to get over this if I'm going to become what I'm supposed to become in life. Whatever that is.

2) Stepping out of my comfort zone is a catalyst for growth. Now, I've known this for a while, but I had one of those "Ah haaa!!" moments. It really did hit me. I was sitting at my desk at work, and it was as if a little fairy sat on my shoulder and said, " You're never going to grow if you don't step outside of your comfort zone. Just try it! You'll be fine." Well, i heard what she said, let it sink in, and kinda disregarded it lol. I know! I know! But don't judge me!! Baby steps.....

It turns out, the yoga class had been cancelled. I guess the instructor didn't show. So, I went through with my normal work out (thirty minuets on what I'm pretty sure is an eliptical, then crunches and stretches). Between the machine and the stretches, I went back to the locker room and ran into someone I know. Now, I have someone to workout with some days. #win. When I got up to the room I use for stretching and such, I realized that a class would be starting in about twenty minuets. Courtesy of my sometimes awesome iPhone, I figured out it was a mat pilates class. I decided I'd redeem myself from the yoga debacle by staying for the class. That was a great idea. I loved the class! I will definitely be there on Wednesday for the next one. Excitement aside, and on to the reason why this post is titled as it is. An older man, who I'd venture to say was easily in in late fifties, early sixties used the mat next to me. I knew he was in shape as soon as he started to stretch out for the class. I figured he'd done a few classes when he asked about who was teaching this class, but kinda disregarded him. Well honey, he showed me. When I was struggling and "resting" he was going on with ease. I think I did fine with the class, considering I've never done it before, and it was the first class in anything I'd taken in years. But. Homie is now the competition. There's no way I'm going to let this guy out pilate me for much longer. I'm making a vow to myself, sans snow days from work, I will be at that blasted gym. I will be able to do ALL the exercises in the class by the end of the month. Also, I will try to stop being my own worst enemy. I don't have to be afraid of every new idea I come up with. There's no need for me to continually doubt myslef; that should be someone else's job. With these new efforts, I will start what I finish (within reason, let's be real). I know I'm destined for greatness, I just need to get the ball rolling. Game. On.


  1. great stuff!! i remember when you were barely walking, let alone dancing, and it was the year-end recital. They were giving out awards and you didn't get one. You sat on the stage and cried. from there, I knew you were a winner! So keep winning!! crying aside, of course....guess who
