Thursday, July 1, 2010

the longest journey begins with a single step.....

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i've come up with really great ideas, plenty of times in my life. grandiose and elaborate schemes to accomplish this or that. but, i generally never follow through. most of my ideas stay just that. ideas. for a while i've wanted to blog but could never come up with something that i would stick to. so finally, i think i've decided on something that should be RELATIVELY easy for me to stick to (lol).........

i like me. and im working on unconditionally, wholeheartedly, unequivocally, best-thing-ever loving me. in 37 days im going to be 25yrs old. for me its quite a milestone. growing up i always saw myself being midway into the dream of my job (soon to turn into an actual career), working someplace in NYC, and making easily 50k by 25. presently, i borderline hate my job, live in long island, and am def NOT making 50k lol.

at this point in my life, im ready to find out what really makes me happy. what makes me tick, and keeps me going. to accomplish this, im going to do something new everyday until my bday. this is quite impromptu, but i figure why the hell not. i'll be enlisting the help of my friends and any random blog readers for suggestions on things to do. im welcome to ANY suggestion, but def have more sense than to undertake them all lol. (i know my friends lol.)

i'd really appreciate if you guys could comment on my posts and suggest different things i can add to my list of things to do. id also appreciate if you guys could check in on my blog and see how im doing along the way. everything is easier with support. but most importantly, don't forget to leave some feedback!!
so -- sit back, relax, or hell; stand up and exert yourself lol. but hopefully we can enjoy this adventure together.
here's to self improvement, and self love.


  1. Looks Good!!!...Lookin Forward To This

  2. it might sound crazy... but have you ever volunteered anywhere?? at a people shelter or an animal shelter!!

    i love your idea, btw (: it's awesomely amazing.

  3. I think this is an awesome idea! You should try something like going to a place like Walmart or the library, sit back and just people watch. I know it sounds totally random, but one of my friends that's a writer does this and she's created some of her best short stories and poems by sitting back and observing complete strangers.

    I definitely can't wait to see what you come up with!

  4. Looks good so far D. ill keep my eyes and ears open. we'll find you that happiness

  5. Since you're still thinking about what to focus on... write about what makes you happy along with anythign else that comes to mind. see what gets the most feedback & go from there.

  6. ahhhh! i'm so excited! i love u!

  7. i deff support your new found adventure...
    My only advice is live your life to the fullest becuz tomor is not promised...

    p.s. the man of urs dreams is rite in front of u.......

  8. I finally got around to reading this thing (a week later) fuck me right? LOL anyways, it looks pretty rad. It's so far interesting and very relate-able to where a lot of us 20 somethings are. Keep on writing and also throw some random thoughts of your day and random thoughts on people you see or meet in there. That never hurts
